All Lamas As Padmasambhava

All Lamas As Padmasambhava

All Lamas As Padmasambhava One early spring evening in the Water Pig year (1923), Tertön Sogyal met Guru Padmasambhava in a vision. Sometimes his visions were mixed with dream-like states, so that he had to be diligent in assessing the validity of the visions. On this...


Mantrayana Etymologically, the term “Mantrayana” may be explained as follows. In Sanskrit, “mantra” is a conflation of the elements “manas,” which means “mind,” and “traya,” which means “to protect.” In other words, mantra is a protection for the mind. This mind is...
Like A Log You Should Remain

Like A Log You Should Remain

Like A Log You Should Remain 48. When the urge arises in your mind To feelings of desire or angry hate, Do not act! Be silent, do not speak! And like a log of wood be sure to stay.   49. And when your mind is wild or filled with mockery, Or filled with pride and...
Compassion is a Sore Spot

Compassion is a Sore Spot

Compassion is a Sore Spot Compassion is based on some sense of “soft spot” in us. It is as if we had a pimple on our body that was very sore—so sore that we do not want to rub it or scratch it. During our shower we do not want to rub too much soap over it because it...
Karmic Law: Traleg Kyabgon

Karmic Law: Traleg Kyabgon

Karmic Law: Traleg Kyabgon Western Buddhists sometimes talk about a karmic cosmic law as if it meant that we were somehow preprogrammed. That is not the Buddhist view, for even though Buddhism teaches that our past karma affects our present state, this does not...