Shi-tro Symbolism: The 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities

Mar 11, 2021Shi-Tro

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Last updated:  March 11, 2021

Peaceful Deities

Primordial Buddhas


Tibetan: Kuntuzangpo

Wylie: kun-tu bzang-po


Location: Center of the energy center of the heart chakra

Pose: Lotus, embracing Samantabhadri

Color: deep blue

Symbolizes: Awareness aspect of the Dharmakaya, the natural purity of consciousness, free of primordial ignorance



Tibetan: Kuntuzangmo

Wylie: kun-tu bzang-mo

Location: Center of the energy center of the heart chakra

Pose: Lotus, embracing Samantabhadri

Color: deep blue

Symbolizes: Awareness aspect of the Dharmakaya, the natural purity of consciousness, free of primordial ignorance

Five Buddha Families

1. Buddha / Tathagata Family (Center)

Tibetan: deshyin shekpé rik

Wylie: de bzhin gshegs pa’i rigsa

Activity: Transmutation of Ignorance


Tibetan: Nampar Nangdze

Wylie: mam-par snaug-mdzad

English: All-Pervading

Location: Central channel within the heart

Pose: Lotus, embracing Akasadhatvisvari

Throne: Lion

Color: Conch white

Right Hand: Eight-spoked wheel

Left Hand: Bell

Symbolizes: Pristine cognition of dharmadatu; the natural purity of the aggregate of consciousness, free from delusion

Liberating Light: Bright blue

Pureland: Ghanavyuha, Dense Array

Deceptive light: Soft white of the gods



Tibetan: Ying Chukma

Wylie: dbyings phyug-ma

English: Queen of Vajra Space

Location: Central channel within the heart

Pose: Lotus, embracing Vairocana

Color: Moon white

Symbolizes: Natural purity of the space element

Other Names: Akashadhatvishvari, Vajra Dhatvishvari, White Tara


2. Vajra Family (East)

Sanskrit: vajrakula

Tibetan: dorjé rik

Wylie: rdo rje’i rigs

English: Adamantine Family

Activity: Transmutation of Anger or Aggression

Vajrasattva | Akshobhya

Tibetan: Dorje Sempa | Mikyöpa

Wylie: rdo-rjesems-dpa’ | mi-bskyod-pa

English:  Adamantine Mind | The Unshakeable


Location: Eastern channel within the heart

Throne: Elephant

Pose: Lotus, embracing Buddhalocana

Color: Azure blue

Right Hand: 5-pronged vajra

Left Hand: Bell

Symbolizes: mirror-like pris1ine cognition, the natural purity of
the aggregate of form, free from aversion

Pureland: Abhirati



Tibetan: Sangye Chenma

Wylie: sangs-rgyas spyan-ma

English: Buddha Eye

Location: Eastern channel within the heart

Pose: Lotus, embracing Vajrasattva | Akshobya

Color: Beryl blue

Symbolizes: Natural purity of the earth element


Ksitigarbha (Bodhisattva)


Wylie: sa ‘i snying-po

English: Essence of Earth

Location: Eastern channel within the heart, to the right of Vajrasattva

Pose: Lotus

Right Hand: seedling

Left Hand: bell

Color: Snow mountain white

Consort: Lāsyā

Symbolizes: Natural purity of visual consciousness


Maitreya (Bodhisattva)

Tibetan: Gyalwa Jampa

Wylie: rgyal-ba byams-pa

English: Loving One

Location: Eastern channel within the heart, to the left of Vajrasattva

Pose: Lotus

Right Hand: Blossoming orange bush

Left Hand: Bell

Color: Cloud white

Consort: Dhūpā

Symbolizes: Natural purity of auditory consciousness


Lāsyā (Bodhisattva)

Tibetan: Gekpama

Wylie: sgeg pa ma

English: Goddess of Beauty

Location: Eastern channel within the heart, in front of Vajrasattva


Right Hand: Mirror

Left Hand: Bell

Color: Quartz white

Consort: Kshitigarbha

Symbolizes: Natural purity of visual phenomena; offering of the dignity and beauty of the body


Puṣpā (Bodhisattva)

Tibetan: Metokma

Wylie: me tog ma

English: Goddess of Flowers

Location: Eastern channel within the heart, behind Vajrasattva

Pose: Seated, one leg extended the other drawn in

Holding: Flower

Color: Pearl white

Consort: Sarvanivaranavishkambhin

Symbolizes: Natural purity of past thoughts; offering of vision and sight


2. Ratna Family (South)

Sanskrit: ratnakula

Tibetan: rinchen rik

Wylie: rin chen rigs

English: Jewel Family

Activity: Transmutation of Pride or Arrogance


Tibetan: Rinchen Jungné

Wylie: rin chen ‘byung gnas

English: Source of the Precious


Location: Southern channel within the heart

Throne: Horse

Pose: Lotus, embracing Buddhalocana

Color: Golden yellow

Right Hand: Wish-granting gem

Left Hand: Bell

Symbolizes: Sameness pris1ine cognition, the natural purity of
the aggregate of feeling, free from pride

Pureland: Shrimat



Sanskrit: Māmakī

Tibetan: Mamaki

Wylie: ma ma ki

Location: Southern channel within the heart

Pose: Lotus, embracing Ratnasambhava

Color: Minium orange

Symbolizes: Natural purity of the water element


Samantabhadra (Bodhisattva)

Tibetan: Kuntu Zangpo

Wylie: kun tu bzang po

English: All Good

Location: Southern channel within the heart, to the right of Ratnasambhava

Pose: Lotus

Right Hand: grain sheath

Left Hand: bell

Color: Amber yellow

Consort: Ālokā

Symbolizes: Natural purity of olfactory consciousness


Akashagarbha (Bodhisattva)

Tibetan: Namkhé Nyingpo

Wylie: nam mkha’i snying po

English: Essence of Space

Location: Southern channel within the heart, to the left of Ratnasambhava

Pose: Lotus

Right Hand: sword

Left Hand: bell

Color: Burnished gold

Consort: Mālā

Symbolizes: Natural purity of gustatory consciousness


Mālā (Bodhisattva)

Tibetan: Trengwama

Wylie:  phreng ba ma

English: Goddess of Garlands

Location: Eastern channel within the heart, in front of Ratnasambhava

Pose: Seated with right leg extended

Holding: A garland

Color: Saffron yellow

Consort: Akashagarbha

Symbolizes: Natural purity of indeterminate conceptual thought